Android Mobile App Auto Call Reply (ACR)When you receive any phone call, while you are busy in a meeting or driving or attending a
family function etc., either you disconnect the call or manually initiate a SMS or answer the call
if it is important.
Auto Call Reply (ACR) provides you comfort, it drops the call after 3-4 rings, sends your desired
message Automatically to caller.
How to Use Auto Call Reply App
Click App Icon, and click ‘Calendar’ Tab.
Calendar Tab Setting
Set Start Date and Time and Set End Date and Time.
Please note that End time has to be greater than Start time.
Turn ‘Auto Call Reply’ Button On.
For conferences or day long meetings, set a calendar time for longer period e.g 10AM to
7PM and use Auto Call Reply On / Off button to enable and disable auto replies.
Swipe to ‘Message’ tab or Click Message Tab.
Message Tab Setting
Select and set the Message according to your requirement.
Click edit icon to have your own message.
Swipe to ‘Exclusion’ Tab or Click Exclusion Tab
Exclusion Setting
Click ‘+’ Sign to add Contacts to be excluded. You can build your own exclusion list by adding
multiple numbers.
Set Exclusion Button On
To remove contact from exclusion list, press the contact, hold it for few seconds and click
After setting up ACR App, if you get a call, after 3-4 rings, app will automatically disconnect the
call and send your desired message to your caller. You have an option to answer the call in first
3-4 rings. The call will not be dropped for the contacts in Exclusion list but SMS will be sent.
You can click ‘Missed’ tab to refer missed Called during the Specified period
This is how ACR can be useful to every individual in communicating caller his or her status viz.
1. Every individual can communicate about Meeting , conferences, Leave, Driving and
Family Function etc.
2. Doctors can communicate the status of Operation Theater, Procedure or OPD etc.
3. Professors and students can communicate status of lecture
4. Advocates can communicate court timings.
5. People working in shifts
6. Do not disturb scenarios……..and many more...